Grasshopper for Grandpa is a short documentary about the legacy of Jimmy's Oriental Garden
Snippets of Oral History of Jimmy's Oriental Garden and its owner's family.
Clips are taken from “Nuey and Tommy Chung Oral History,” Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation: Digital Collections, accessed December 2, 2022,
Tommy (last owner of Jimmy's Oriental Garden) discusses his grandfather’s job as a chef for the Arlington as well as his suspicion of Western medicine.
Tommy describes the bar that his father owned on State St. before he opened Jimmy’s Oriental Gardens, which sold chili beans for fifteen cents.
Nuey and Tommy recount how Nuey’s dislike of the fog as well as the urgings of Mr. Whittaker prompted Jimmy to move his restaurant from the beach to Canon Perdido St.
Photos & Scans of Santa Barbara and Old Chinatown Artifacts
These photos were pulled from the Jimmy’s Oriental Gardens manuscript collection, and the Presidio Neighborhood collection at the SBTHP Research Center.